
Starling is lucky to be supported by many great people and talented programmers. Many of those have already created numerous add-on classes you can use in your game.

This page lists all extensions that are available, giving you a simple means to browse through them and cherry-pick those you can use in your game. If you want to create and share your own extension, visit this page to find out how to do it: Creating an Extension.

Starling 2.x

NameDescription Tags
FeathersUser interface components for Starling, supporting both mobile and desktop.ui, components
Bezier Easingcustomizable easing curve tween enginestween, easing, transition, bezier
Signed Distance Field MeshStyleAllows draw signed distance fieldsstyle, textfield
Cross-Texture BatchingAllows batching of multiple textures in one draw callstyle, batching
Quad SectionA mesh displaying a slice of a quad (like a pie chart, but rectangular).progress indicator, mask, circle, pie
Stardust-engineParticle System with Editor. Compatible with Starling 1.x and 2.0particles, particle system
ParticleSystemParticle System for special effectsparticles, effects, 71squared
Dynamic LightingUse normal maps for realistic light effectsnormal maps, lighting, illumination
Texture MaskA mesh style that discards alpha values below a certain threshold; useful for masks.mask, stencil, alpha
PixelmaskPixel-based masking support for Starlingmask, masking
God RaysAtmospheric lighting, like the typical effects you see underwater or in a forest.light, god ray, sun ray
GaugeA simple gauge / progress bargauge, progressbar
Wave FilterCustom filter for Waves effectfilter, wave
Chromatic Aberration FilterCustom filter for a chromatic Aberration effectfilter, chromatic aberration
Feathers ExtensionsThis project adds controls (Canvas, ColorPicker, Datagrid, PinchingControl, Tree, ViewNavigator, TabbedViewNavigator) to Feathers UI.datagrid, color, feathers, pinching, row, sortable, tabbed
callLatercallLater method to Starling Framework like Apache FlexcallLater, flex
Zipped AssetsUnzip individual assets right while they are loadedassets, zip, AssetManager
Asset CachingCache remote assets in a local directory.assets, cache
Adobe AnimateLoad and play Adobe Animate CC's 'Texture Atlas' animationsanimate, movieclip, animation
TimerA timer that works exactly like flash.utils.Timer, but uses Starling's lighter-weight Juggler, DelayedCall and EventDispatcher.Timer, Juggler, DelayedCall, Animation
ShinefilterShine Filter for Starling 2.1Shine, Shine Filter, FilterEffect
Multidirectional Tile ScrollerScroll tiled images in any direction at any speed.Scroll, Tile
ColortransformA MeshStyle for Starling 2 to emulate flash.display.ColorTransformMeshStyle, Style
StyledBitmapFontAllows to colorize chars and words within a BitmapFont TextFieldMeshStyle, color, text, bitmap fonts
Flair-gradle-pluginFlair is a gradle plugin that helps you build Adobe AIR projectsGradle, build

Starling 1.x

NameDescription Tags
FluocamVirtual camera for Starling and Mobile Devicesvirtual camera, virtual cam, camera, cam, fluocode, fluocam
ShapesWhen Starling's Quad isn't enough, this extension comes to rescue.vector, graphics, line, circle, disk, ring, polygon, shape
Pixel Perfect TouchPixel perfect touch Imagetouch, pixel, perfect pixel, perfect pixel touch, touch on alpha
Starling TimerSame as Flash timer, but works with Starling Jugglertimer, juggler, delayedCall, repeat
Tmx LoaderLoad and display a Tiled .TMX maptilemap, TMX, tiled
TMX MapsLoad and display TMX tilemaps in a Starling gametilemap, TMX, tiled, mapeditor
S3d AssetsLibrarysingleton texture manager use contentScaleFactor to choose HD or SD textures and easy config by XML (AIR only because used FileStream to load texture)texture, contentScaleFactor
TLFSpriteText rendering sprite that wraps the Text Layout Framework enginetext, font, layout
SoundLiteAS3Add all sound related functionality within minutes to your game.sound, music, bg, sfx, muting, fading, soundgroups
Slotmachineadds support for reel rotation. mostly for slot machine games.slot machine, reel, rotation
Encrypt AssetsProtect your assets.secure, encrypt
HandleSheetUse one finger touching for moving, rotating and scaling on Starlingscaling, scale, move, moving, rotating, rotate
ScrollImageDisplay object with a repeated texture, may contain 16 layersrepeat, texture, uv, scroll, shaders, AGAL
Stardust-engineParticle System with Editor. Compatible with Starling 1.x and 2.0particles, particle system
SAP Particles Extensionparticles, effects
FFParticleSystemA particle system based on the original with some new features and various performance improvementsparticles, effects, 71squared
GaplessLoopedSoundAllows smooth, gapless, looped playback of mp3's. Resolving the mp3 issue which causes a click when it loops mid musicmp3, looped, Sound
ClippedSpriteSimple Sprite subclass with a rectangular mask in stage coordinatesmask, clipping, scissor
Layered ObjectDisplay list render order modification useful for top-down games.layers, transform, top-down
Advanced JoystickA great Virtual Joystick for Starling and Mobile Devices!joystick, joypad, virtual joystick
HTMLBitmapFontsStarling extension for using bitmap fonts with simplified HTML tags for styling textshtml, text, BitmapFont, bitmap font
GraphicsThis extension recreates the Flash Graphics API in Starling by wrapping up a suite of graphics primitives, including Plane, Fill and Stroke.graphics, API
Gazman-sdkProvide you set of tools to create rich UI, while keeping you in starling environment.gazman, sdk, ui
Fullscreen No Stretchsimplifies dynamic object placement for fullscreen multi-resolution supportfullscreen, no stretch
DistancefieldfontText that remains crisp even when scaled.font, bitmap font
RibbonTrailAn effect of trail.effect, particle, ribbon, trail
Batch RendererBatch Renderer lets you create custom display object, post processing effects and custom shaders in a easy to learn, quick and pleasant way :) If you need to render a custom geometry (not a Quad) or do a custom texture processing, it may be just the thing for you. Visit its GitHub page for more details and a tutorial.batch, renderer, shader, AGAL, EasyAGAL
Dynamic Texture Atlas GeneratorAn Asynchronous Texture Atlas Generator for converting Flash Vector MovieClips into textureAtlases and Starling MovieClipsasynchronous, texture, atlas, generator, flash, movieClip, load, starling, vector, bitmap, draw
SpriterASHighly optimized playback of Spriter Animations (SCML)Spriter, Skeleton, Bones, Animation
SpriterMCImports skeletal animations generated with SpriterSpriter, bones, skeleton, skeletal, SCML, MovieClip
QuadtreeSpriteEfficient container for with large number of children DisplayObjectsSprite, quadtree, big world
Syrinx - Sound ManagerAS3 Sound Manager for Adobe AIRSound, MP3, WAV, pitch, trim, seamless looping
SQLsaveA simple way to save games using a SQL database in Air.SQL, save, database, simple, easy, sharedobjects
Zindexzindex support
SpriteranimationAS3 Spriter Animation Playback. Supports Spriter B5.

Libraries & Tools supporting Starling

A growing number of libraries are supporting the Starling Framework. Please add them to this list!

  • Flox — The No-Fuzz Game Backend, created by Gamua, makes it easy to add a server-backend to your Starling games (for leaderboards, analytics, etc.)
  • Feathers — User interface components with skinning, layouts, and support for both mobile and desktop.
  • Starling Builder — a visual user interface editor for Starling.
  • Citrus Engine — a professional Flash game engine built for industry-quality games. It comes built-in with a “platformer” starter-kit which you can use to easily make awesome 2D side-scrolling games.
  • Cadet Engine — A component-based AS3 Scene Engine supporting 2D and 3D GPU accelerated rendering, physics, custom behaviours and 3rd party library integration. It has been designed from the ground up to be plug-and-play, enabling full editor support from Cadet Editor.
  • Square Engine Plus — a powerful Game Engine with a World-Entity model for make your games and apps in a very easy way.
  • GameBuilder Studio — an Open Source Game Engine and visual WYSIWYG tool for creating professional cross-platform 2D games. Optimized for mobile and web using the Starling rendering engine.
  • Gestouch — multitouch gestures for Starling and the classic DisplayList (GitHub).
  • StarlingPunk — a framework designed to add structure and organization to your 2D games. It's perfect for rapidly prototyping ideas and promotes code reuse between projects.
  • StarlingMVC — an IOC Framework for Starling based games, modelled after established IOC frameworks like Swiz and RobotLegs.
  • DMT - Dynamically Mapping Textures — a library that dynamically rasterizes your Vector graphics to make them easily accessible in Starling.
  • PhysInjector — significantly simplifies the use of Box2D within your Starling games and applications.
  • Firefly SDK — an Open Source Development Kit developed to simplify game creation process and is aimed to improve project infrastructure and maintainability.
  • Assets Management — load and store assets in your project. Prepare atlases and fonts for Starling and get textures in a very easy way.
  • Flump is an open-source tool for converting Flash keyframe animations into GPU-friendly formats.
  • firetype is an Open Source library that renders OpenType fonts as polygon shapes directly via Stage3D.
  • as3isolibstarling is an Open Source library that port from as3isolib.
  • Ash Framework is an open source and lightweight library based on entity system for game development.
  • Spine — great 2D animation tool with support for Starling.
  • Assetifier — Assets Workflow Automation
  • Gameplay Recorder ANE — Record your game's screen and let players watch the replays. Add soundtrack! Native extension for iOS with support for Starling, from DiaDraw.
  • parsley-starling — Allows using Parsley MVC framework for Starling-based projects.
  • robotlegs-framework-starling — An ActionScript application framework offering dependency, module, command and view management. This port of Robotlegs 1.5 converts the core framework to use Starling events, including support for pooling and event data.
  • Windy — A TMX design toolset that allows resize, matrix split and TMX export from image files. Ideal for 2d games and texture editing for large HD/4k maps.
  extensions/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/25 20:39 by daniel
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