A custom filter for Wave effect, as an extension for Starling2
//creating and configuring the WaveFilter var waveFilter:WaveFilter = new WaveFilter(); var linear_source:WaveSource = new WaveSource(WaveSource.LINEAR, .01, .5, 50, 30); var radial_source:WaveSource = new WaveSource(WaveSource.RADIAL, .02, 5, 60, 5, new Point(.3,.3), 1); waveFilter.addWaveSource(linear_source); waveFilter.addWaveSource(radial_source); starling.juggler.add(waveFilter); //creating an Image and applying the filter var imgBoat:Image = new Image(Texture.fromEmbeddedAsset(EmbeddedAssets.boat)); imgBoat.x = 50; imgBoat.y = 30; imgBoat.filter = waveFilter; addChild(imgBoat);
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