Easing transition compatible with Staring's Tween engine and Greensock's. Works like CSS's cubic-bezier.
You can create you own custom easing curves here.
// option 1, register by name Transitions.register("sharp", BezierEase.config(0.4,0,0.6,1)); Starling.juggler.tween( obj, 1, {y: 400, transition: "sharp" }); // option 2, use directly. Starling.juggler.tween( obj, 1, {y: 400, transitionFunc: BezierEase.config(0,0,0.2,1) });
References Curves:
Google Material transitions standard (0.4,0,0.2,1) deceleration (0,0,0.2,1) acceleration (0.4,0,1,1) sharp (0.4,0,0.6,1)
CSS Transitions linear (0,0,1,1) ease (0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0) ease-in (0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0) ease-out (0, 0, 0.58, 1.0) ease-in-out (0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0)
Feel free to edit this part of the page if you want to add information that's lacking in the above description.
Questions are better asked in the forum, though.