SAP Particles Extension
SAP is a port of Alternativa3D Particle System to Starling Framework. This particle system is really well optimized for rendering on mobile. All particle data goes to GPU through vertexconstants. There are no any vertexbuffer uploads each frame.
Basic concepts:
PartcleSystem manages ParticleEffects
To create your effect you have to extends ParticleEffect class which will manage ParticlePrototype instances inside.
ParticleEffect and ParticlePrototype have timelines. You can add keys to them with addKey method.
Check out Source Code section with
Fire example
Each particle has “z” property that can be used as a sort value. To enable this feature, please set ParticleSystem.sortParticlesByZ flag to true
Github repository includes the source code of this Demo
SAP Editor coming soon.
Source Code
Fire Effect example
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