Tutorials & Code Snippets
This section contains extensive tutorials that help you to get started on different topics of game development with Starling. Feel free to add your own tutorials to this list, and to add links to external resources!
Video Tutorials
Building Flash Games with Starling
Join Lee Brimelow in this project-style course (total length: three hours!) that teaches you how to build a complete shoot-em-up game with Starling! Find the course on lynda.com: Building Flash Games with Starling
Topics include:
Downloading and installing Starling and Flash Builder
Creating the project
Creating the main game class, static assets, and other classes
Building the state machine
Creating a static assets class
Adding images
Creating sprite sheets with Texture Packer
Creating and importing bitmap fonts
Detecting collisions
Adding particle effects
Adding sound effects
Starting with Starling
Watch over the shoulders of Hemanth Sharma while he is developing the game Hungry Hero from scratch in this extensive series of video tutorials! Hint: the game is now even available on GitHub.
Building a Mobile App with Feathers and Starling
In this course, author Joseph Labrecque shows you how to use Starling and Feathers to create a fully functional drawing app, suitable for both desktop and mobile. Find the course on lynda.com.
Topics include:
Downloading the frameworks and the AIR SDK
Configuring the project
Implementing a theme
Creating the screen classes
Adding a navbar component
Building the classes
Returning saved files
Publishing a project
Installing and running the app
Written Tutorials
Getting Started
Introducing Starling — a short overview of Starling and its architecture, written by Thibault Imbert.
Display Objects
Custom Display Objects
A series of articles about AGAL shaders by Denis Golovkin:
English /
Game Development
Build Process
Custom Particle Systems
Open Source Games
Whack! is a great Starling-based game that is fully Open Source. Find out all about it
Hungry Hero, the game developed in the course of Hemanth Sharma's video tutorial (described a little further up) is Open Source, too!
Gem's Home, an imitation of a Cocos2d-X demo. Screenshots:
Code Snippets
There are things every Starling developer needs now or then, but it's not worth adding it to Starling directly, or to create an extension for it. If you know such a useful little helper, please add it to this list!
Water Distortion — Water reflection effect implemented with Starling's “DisplacementMapFilter” (Starling v1.4)