If you want to see Maven return, any help is welcome!
Maven is a powerful build system, like Ant, but it's more universal, with strict workflow and build phases. Furthermore, it supports dependency management out-the-box. Flex Framework, Robotlegs, as3commons and many other libraries are available via public repositories, and there is no need to collect *.swc
files in some awful-always-growing “libs” folder. BTW, the Flex compiler is also a dependency, just recall your “sdk” folder, with 4.5.1, 4.6, 4.1.0 and other flex frameworks — all of that now can be deleted, yay!
mvn --file starling/build/maven/pom.xml compile
If you use Maven, you already know, how easy to attach Starling to your project, but i will remind you!
<repository> <id>starling-repository</id> <url>http://repository-trylogic.forge.cloudbees.com/snapshot</url> <releases> <enabled>false</enabled> </releases> <snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> </snapshots> </repository>
<dependency> <groupId>com.gamua</groupId> <artifactId>starling-framework</artifactId> <version>[1.2, ]</version> <type>swc</type> </dependency>