How to compile Starling in FDT

The current version of PowerFlasher's FDT Flash IDE prints out several warnings and errors when you want to compile Starling.

Thankfully, you can easily turn off the errors and warnings in FDT 5. The tricky thing is to find the correct settings. ;-)

You can do that either globally for all FDT projects, here:

  FDT - Preferences:
    FDT / Problems / AS3 Problems

or only in the settings of the Starling project:

  Project Settings:
    FDT Problems / AS3
      Enable project specific problems

Change the following settings to “Disabled”:

  Type Problems
    Types are not compatible
    Unresolvable variable reference
    Unresolvable variable reference in E4X
    Unresolvable member reference in dynamic object
    Parameter is never used
  tutorials/how_to_compile_starling_in_fdt.txt · Last modified: 2012/04/06 14:54 by daniel
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