Starling Builder User Contribution Guide

For the time being, I can only spend a small portion of my working time into the project. So we need to work together to make it better! You can contribute to either engine, editor or extensions.

Here’s some guideline of the user contribution workflow

  • Fork your own repository (you need a Github account, it’s free!)
  • Follow the Starling Builder code convention and formatting. We use underscore for all private and protected variable, 4 space characters as indention. If you are using IntelliJ, you can download the following file and import it to IntelliJ (File → Import Setting…)
  • Commit and push your changes to your fork, then create a pull request on the main repository. Commit messages should be written in English, briefly describing what you have changed. The changes will be merged into the repository after review.

If you need to talk to me, feel free to email me at, or ask question on the forum

We have a Slack discussion group. Just send me an email if you want to be part of the team!

  builder/contribute.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/01 05:09 by
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