Table of Contents

Feathers Community Extensions

Various members of the community have contributed the following extensions or components using Feathers.


Cloud Mobile Theme

Open source theme created by caiocanalli. Includes full source code and assets.

Flat Theme

Commercial theme created by FlashDaily. Includes full source code, a sliced PSD, and an online demo to preview the theme in action.

Halloween Mobile Theme

Open source theme created by caiocanalli. Includes full source code and assets.

Material Design Themes

Open-source themes created by Marcel Piestansky based on Google's Material Design. Includes full source code and assets.

RGB Theme

Commercial theme created by FlashDaily. Includes full source code, a sliced PSD, and an online demo to preview the theme in action.

Uniflat Theme

Open-source theme created by Marcel Piestansky. Includes full source code and assets.

Components and Libraries

FadeImageSkin by Marcel Piestansky

Similar to feathers.skins.ImageSkin, this skin animates between different textures.

Feathers Extension Canvas by pol2095

This project add a Canvas component to Feathers UI :

Feathers Extension CircleProgress by pol2095

This project add a CircleProgress component to Feathers UI :

Feathers Extension ColorPicker by pol2095

This project add a ColorPicker component to Feathers UI :

Feathers Extension DataGrid by pol2095

This project add a DataGrid component to Feathers UI :

Feathers Extension PinchingControl by pol2095

This project add a PinchingControl to Feathers UI :

Feathers Extension Tabbed Application by pol2095

This project adds two components to Feathers UI :

Feathers Extension Toaster by pol2095

This project add a Toaster component to Feathers UI :

Feathers Extension Tree by pol2095

This project add a Tree component to Feathers UI :

Logi by justpinegames

HUD/Console logging library

PullToRefresh by duckleg

This library aims to provide a reusable Pull to Refresh widget for Adobe AIR mobile. It was based on Starling Framework. The inherited component is allowed to display a “loading” busy indicator at the top of the list and dispatch a event.

SoftKeyboard by Jean-Philippe Côté

SoftKeyboard is an on-screen virtual keyboard library. It is fully configurable and can be skinned in the standard way through your Feathers theme.