====== How to find out the current Framerate ====== //Note: Beginning with version 1.1, Starling contains a "showStats" property. Enable it on your Starling instance, and the framerate will be displayed directly on the screen.// To find out the actual frame rate, you can use the following code snippet. Add it e.g. to the constructor of your game class. var frameCount:int = 0; var totalTime:Number = 0; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, function(event:EnterFrameEvent):void { totalTime += event.passedTime; if (++frameCount % 60 == 0) { trace("fps: " + frameCount / totalTime); frameCount = totalTime = 0; } }); This will display the actual frames per second to the console. Here is a [[https://gist.github.com/893868|simple class]] that will show you the FPS in sparrow when your device is unplugged.